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Teachers' Climate Change Forum

Teachers' Climate Change Forum01/11/2016

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The Teachers' Climate Change Forum is a virtual forum organized by LUMA Centre Finland. At the forum, teachers interested in climate change education have the opportunity to share their practical experience and learn from each other. The first ever Teachers' Climate Change Forum will be held in November 2016.

If you have practical experience in climate change education, we ask you send an proposal on what you would wish to share at the first ever Teachers' Climate Change Forum.

To do so, please write a short 400-500 word description of what you, your students or your school has done to advance climate change education. Submission form. The deadline for submitting proposals is August 14th.

Chair for the forum is Director of the LUMA Centre Finland, Professor, PhD Maija Aksela. Other experts for the forum are PhD Sakari Tolppanen and PhD Marianne Juntunen.

Teachers' Climate Change Forum is funded by Magnus Ehrnrooth Foundation.

About the Forum

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  • teachers
  • education
  • forum
  • climate
  • change
  • helsinki
  • luma
  • november 2016