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PISA in Focus

Sección: PISA in Focus

Es una serie de boletines informativos que publica la OCDE y traduce al español el Instituto de Nacional de Evaluación Educativa.

Estos boletines recogen diferentes temas de la actualidad educativa relacionados con los informes PISA y sus resultados en los diferentes países donde se realiza la evaluación.

N° 45 Do countries with high mean performance in PISA maintain their lead as students age?

PISA in Focus nº 45

Countries where 15-year-old students perform at high standards internationally tend to be the same countries where these young adults tend to perform well at the age of 26 to 28.

School systems need to ensure that their students perform at a high level by the time they complete compulsory schooling and that these skills are maintained and further developed thereafter.

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