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PISA in Focus

Sección: PISA in Focus

Es una serie de boletines informativos que publica la OCDE y traduce al español el Instituto de Nacional de Evaluación Educativa.

Estos boletines recogen diferentes temas de la actualidad educativa relacionados con los informes PISA y sus resultados en los diferentes países donde se realiza la evaluación.

Nº 37 Do students have the drive to succeed?

PISA in Focus nº 37

When students believe that investing effort in learning will make a difference, they score significantly higher in mathematics.

Teachers' use of cognitive-activation strategies, such as giving students problems that require them to think for an extended time, presenting problems for which there is no immediately obvious way of arriving at a solution, and helping students to learn from their mistakes, is associated with students' drive.

Students whose teachers set clear goals for learning and offer feedback on their performance in mathematics also tend to report higher levels of perseverance and openness to problem solving.

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