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PISA in Focus

Sección: PISA in Focus

Es una serie de boletines informativos que publica la OCDE y traduce al español el Instituto de Nacional de Evaluación Educativa.

Estos boletines recogen diferentes temas de la actualidad educativa relacionados con los informes PISA y sus resultados en los diferentes países donde se realiza la evaluación.

Nº 47 ¿How has student performance evolved over time?

PISA in Focus nº 47

Improvement in PISA performance is not related to geography, national wealth or culture.

In most cases, the countries that show significant improvement in PISA performance – Brazil, Germany, Greece, Italy, Mexico, Tunisia and Turkey – are those that manage to reduce the proportion of low-achieving students.

Even over time, excellence and equity in education are not mutually exclusive goals, as the improvements in Germany, Italy, Mexico, Tunisia and Turkey demonstrate.

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