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Teaching in Focus

TALIS (Teaching and Learning Internacional Survey) es un estudio promovido por la OCDE que pretende contribuir a la elaboración de indicadores internacionales que ayuden a los países a desarrollar su política educativa respecto al profesorado y al proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje.

Teaching in Focus es una serie periódica de publicaciones cuyo objetivo principal es ofrecer información sobre los procesos educativos a través de encuestas a los profesores y a los directores de los centros.

Más información en la página web de la OCDE

Actualizado el 12/06/2017

Nº 17: Do new teachers feel prepared for teaching?

Teaching In Focus Nº 17

New teachers are more likely to feel prepared in the content of their subject field(s), rather than the pedagogy or classroom practice of their subject field(s). However, the levels of their perceived preparedness were lower than experienced teachers in all three domains. In nearly two-thirds of TALIS 2013 countries and economies, the largest difference in reported preparedness between new and experienced teachers was in classroom practice of the subject field(s) they teach, followed by the pedagogy of the subject field(s) they teach.

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Actualizado el 08/06/2017