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Digital Competence

Digital competence

Nowadays, Information and Communication Technologies work as key element in the processes of innovation, expansion and job creation.

El Equipment and ICT uses by households has improved significantly and there are projects that focus on their integration into the Education System, such as such as Digital Culture Plan in the School or Framework Agreement for school Connectivity.

Access to technology is becoming less of a problem and can focus on the study of knowledge, skills and attitudes that a citizen should develop to be considered as a digital competent.

On 18th December 2006, the European Parliament and the European Council identified digital competence as one of the key competence needed for the lifelong learning (2006/962/EC – Journal of the European Union) but remained pending a solid definition based on scientific evidence.

To address this problem and to create a common language between world of education and labour market, the European Commission published in August 2013 Framework for the Development and Knowledge of Digital Competence in Europe (DigComp) wich was updated in June 2016 by the European Framework for Digital Competence of Citizens (DigComp 2.0).

Reference model conceptual

Currently, its implementation is in Phase I and will serve as a conceptual reference model to update the Framework for Digitally Competent Educational Organizations (DigCompOrg) and the Common Frame of Digital Competence Teacher.